Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Qin Spy Catches Crime In The Act

Qin Spy Catches Crime in the Act
China Daily
By: Stevie Mey

XianYang--- Local Qin spy catches poor peasant in the act of robbing a local food market just two days ago. The spy says that he was just taking his usual morning walk when he saw a poor, gross looking man run into a food market with a knife. He ran over to the market and he was threatening Jiang Yong, the clerk of the food market. He grabbed the knife from him and reported him to Emperor Qin. The spy also said the what the criminal did was “completely unnecessary and illegal.” But, the criminal had a different side to the story. Apparently, the criminal hadn’t eaten for days and was completely broke. The criminal also said that he wasn’t trying to threaten the clerk, he said he asked if he could get some food for free and he would pay him back, but the clerk said no. This is when the criminal pulled out the knife and threatened him.

The clerk, Jiang Wuw, said that, “The criminal asked me if I would give him some free food and he would try to pay me back, but that is illegal so I had to say no. He then threatened to kill me if I didn’t give him some food. I quickly ran for the door, but he grabbed me by the back of the neck and held the knife up to my face. This is when the other man came in and tackled him and took the knife away from him. This criminal should definitely be going to jail and be in there for a long time.” The stores money pouch had also been thrown and money was all over the floor. This means that this criminal wasn’t just looking for some food to eat, but he was also looking for some money.

Shi-Yang, a man who works at a jewelry store across the street from the food market. This is what he had to say about the event,: I have seen this man many times before, but he usually just sits on the bench outside of my store. He never goes into any store, and he sits on that same bench every day for at least ten hours a day. To make a long story short, I have never seen him eat anything in my life. I personally think that the clerk of that store should have made him a deal. Bit, I also think it was the wrong thing to do no his part.”

This man is expected to be going to court in two days to discuss this matter and ot see if he will be going to jail, or if he is really an innocent man.

Catching People In The Act

Catching People In The Act
Spy System
           Criminal gets caught in the act of stealing form a local food market three days ago. The person who caught him also saved the clerks life when the criminal threatened to kill him. The Spy System is very affective and everyone in the world should use it. It has been preventing crimes and is making everyone think twice before doing something illegal.
           The Spy System is such a great idea and is very affective The reason why I think my opinion is correct is because there has been less crimes since the system started. People are obviously not committing crimes anymore because they know that people are always watching them, one wrong move could put them in jail. Another reason why the Spy System is a very good and affective idea is because there are obviously still people out there committing crimes and trying to get away with them, but the Spy System is making all of those criminals go to jail. With the Spy System, everyone is watching everyone, so when you are walking on the streets or in a store, someone is always watching you. What that means is that if you do something illegal such as robbing a store or even killing someone, someone is watching you do it, and they will report you to Emperor Qin. The last reason why the Spy System is a very good and affective idea is because if you do end up seeing a crime and you turn someone in, you get rewarded. What this means is that because you are getting a reward, people are going to be constantly watching everybody, which means that no one can commit a crime without someone seeing it. 
            Many people believe that a lot of the people who are coming to the Emperor and saying that they saw a crime are just lying just so they can get a reward. I can see why people could think this, but there is no possible way how this could happen. If you are coming to the Emperor saying that you saw a crime, you need to have at least two witnesses, or at least camera or photographic evidence that will show that the crime took place. And, even if you have all of this evidence that the crime happened, Emperor Qin has to send out people to check the crime scene and see if what the person reported is true. And of course, people will always say that there is a way to beat the system, but there isn’t. That is the reason why they are wrong, because there is no way to beat the system.
          The Spy System is a very good and affective idea and is a great way to make sure that there will be no crime happening in the Qin Dynasty. 

A Very Useful Invention

The Magnetic Compass
    One item that people in the Qin Dynasty invented was the compass. The  compass is a device that is used to tell you what direction you are going. The compass uses a magnetized pointer to tell your direction. The compass that they made was a magnetic compass, which means that the needles in the compass are magnetized  instead of the spoon shaped lodestones. These compasses really helped people on boats, mostly the captain of the boat because they were usually the people steering the boats. The compass was the main reason why all of the ships could navigate around the seas, because it would help them know what direction they are going in.

     The basic parts of the magnetic compass are the needle, the dial, and the housing. Compasses that are more important than just a regular one have more important parts, but in the Qin Dynasty, this is what they were made out of. As you can probably tell by the materials, compasses weren’t that complicated back then. Now a days the compasses are way more complex and a lot harder to make.

               The compass was a very helpful invention and we all should be thankful that the Chinese invented it.

What the Qin Believe In

Religion and Belief Systems

During the Qin Dynasty, there was a strong belief in legalism. Legalism is an excessive adherence to the law and to the rules. It is a very strict belief system and everyone has to follow it in order to be apart of the community. Legalism also means that you can’t really trust anyone, so everyone is bad, even your own family. Many people thought that legalism was a bad belief system and was very unfair and cruel, but there was nothing that they could do about it. Legalism is also a political philosophy, which is the study of politics, liberty, justice, property, rights, laws, and the enforcement of a legal code by authority.

Another religion that was really important in the Qin Dynasty was confucianism.  Confucianism is a religious or philosophical system, or a way of life. The people in the Qin Dynasty believed in this very strongly. This way of life was founded by Confucius. The people in the Qin Dynasty thought that this was a good way of life and strogly agreed with it.

Those were two of the religions and belief system that were in the Qin Dynasty.

A Farmers opinion on Our Society

A Farmers Opinion on Our Society

Do you like being a farmer?

I don’t really mind being a farmer, but I don’t really have a choice in my job. Being a farmer is a hard job, we have to work all day and barely get paid, but it’s not all that bad. I get to do my job with my son and my dad, so it’s not to bad.

Is it hard to be a farmer?

Yeah, it’s definitely a very hard job. We have to work every day all day and we don’t get paid a lot. The worst part about this is that we have to work in the hot sun all day, thats the worst part. The sun beats down on us and it’s awful, so yes, it is a hard job.

What do you think about the goverment officials?

Well, I personally think that they don’t treat everyone with the respect that they deserve. The only people they care about is upper class people and themselves. No one ever thinks about us. Us meaning all of the farmers just like me. We work a lot harder then them and don’t get much credit for it.

Do you like the people you work with?

I like most of them, some of them are constantly complaining about how we don’t get paid enough and how it is to much work, but other than that I like all of my fellow farmers. Most of them are just like me, hard working, don’t complain much, but also, I don’t really blame the few people who do complain because they are right, we should get paid more.

If you were asked to be a government official, would you take it?

I don’t think I would. For one being a government official takes a lot of smarts and wits that I just don’t have. I am, not a very smart person. But, I think I might be able to handle the job, so I am going to have to answer that question as a maybe.

A Tomb Guarded By An Army

Literature, Art and Music

There was a bunch of different literature in the Qin Dynasty, one of them was that the written language in the Qin Dynasty was logographic. Logographic writing was basically that each symbol represented an idea. For example, one symbol in logographic could stand for anything, like a dog or a cat or anything you could think of. As you could probably imagine, it takes a long time to learn all of the symbols and it also takes a really long time to learn how to write all of the symbols, but kids get taught all of these symbols throughout their years in school.

There wasn’t much art in the Qin Dynasty, but there was one big piece of art that was really important. Emperor Qin’s tomb was a huge piece of art. The tomb itself was amazingly decorated and colorful. The tomb was also very big and there was so much artistic details. Around his tomb is guarded by hundreds and hundreds of stone men in the terra cotta army. They are all in rows lined up next to each other. This was the most artistic and amazing artifact that was in the Qin Dynasty.

There was a bunch of different literature in the Qin Dynasty, and the tomb of Emperor Qin was probably the most valued piece of art work in the Qin Dynasty.

Qin Dynasty: In a Good Place

Qin Dynasty in a Good Place


The Qin Dynasty was  definitely bigger than all of the Dynasties in the Warring States Period. After the Warring States Period was over, the Qin Dynasty basically occupied the whole area of where the Warring States Period was. The capital of the Qin Dynasty was Xianyang, but because the Qin Dynasty was only a 15 year long period, after the Qin Dynasty ended Xianyang was pronounced the capital of China

The Qin Dynasty had the advantage of bordering water, so they could go out on boats and trade, or even try to catch food on their own such as fish. As you can tell on the map, there is one part that is not part of the Qin, but is surrounded by the Qin and water. So, the Qin Dynasty was located in a place that was good for them.

So, in conclusion, the Qin Dynasty was bigger than all of the other Dynasties in  the Warring States Period.

Source for my Qin Dynasty Project

Works Cited

“Ancient China for Kids.” Qin Dynasty, Great Wall, book burnings. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Jan. 2012. <http://china.mrdonn.org/​qin.html>.

“The First Imperial Period.” Imperial Eras. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Jan. 2012. <http://www-chaos.umd.edu/​history/​imperial.html#first>.

“The Qin Dynasty.” Chinese History. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Jan. 2012. <http://www.chinavoc.com/​history/​qin/​qinshh.htm>. Emperor Qin was the first man to control all of China.
“The Qin Dynasty.” Qin Dynasty. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Jan. 2012. <http://polaris.gseis.ucla.edu/​yanglu/​ECC_HISTORY_QIN%20DYNASTY.htm>.
“Qin Dynasty.” Slide Share. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2012. <http://www.slideshare.net/​styriane/​qing-dynasty-presentation>.
“Qin Dynasty (221-206 B.C).” The metropolian Muesam of Arts. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2012. <http://www.metmuseum.org/​toah/​hd/​qind/​hd_qind.htm>.