Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A Very Useful Invention

The Magnetic Compass
    One item that people in the Qin Dynasty invented was the compass. The  compass is a device that is used to tell you what direction you are going. The compass uses a magnetized pointer to tell your direction. The compass that they made was a magnetic compass, which means that the needles in the compass are magnetized  instead of the spoon shaped lodestones. These compasses really helped people on boats, mostly the captain of the boat because they were usually the people steering the boats. The compass was the main reason why all of the ships could navigate around the seas, because it would help them know what direction they are going in.

     The basic parts of the magnetic compass are the needle, the dial, and the housing. Compasses that are more important than just a regular one have more important parts, but in the Qin Dynasty, this is what they were made out of. As you can probably tell by the materials, compasses weren’t that complicated back then. Now a days the compasses are way more complex and a lot harder to make.

               The compass was a very helpful invention and we all should be thankful that the Chinese invented it.

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